


Education these days is closely coupled with Technology, and the possibilities are unfolding to be limitless. The virtual classrooms, interactive video sessions and most importantly tracking the performance results of the students, educators and management across the systems all demand very stable and robust systems. In addition to the above, the institutions are all in need of other functionalities — regulation and encapsulation. The answer is simple – an Innovative thought, best-in-class technology, and the right approach.

Challenges & Opportunities

Advent of newer technologies has facilitated integration of third-party tools and regulators. Social media, institutional design and interactive platforms are a few ways to stay ahead in this revolution.

The expectations from the institutes are vast. In addition to high-tech learning, it is also expected that the institutions train their students as market-ready.

The measure of the accountability in terms of student success and employability is growing rapidly. The solution is to have in place the required metrics and mechanisms that can help demonstrate proof of ‘value addition’.

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